business books

Recommended Reading: Corporate Blogging for Dummies

Posted by | Books, Marketing, Services, Social Media, Websites, Writing and Editing | No Comments
So, you want to start a blog and use it to gain customers and raise awareness of your products and services. Everyone tells you it's the thing to do. But how do you blog successfully? I recommend reading "Corporate Blogging for Dummies", by Douglass Karr and Chantelle Flannery. Then get some help from myself and my social media expert colleagues to get yours underway. This book will help you choose a blogging platform (including of course the wonderful WordPress which I highly recommend), and guide you through developing a strategy for your blog. Because what you post on your blog - or indeed your website or any social media platform - is in the public domain, you'll have legalities to consider such as copyrights and ownership, especially if you use material taken from another website. This book will tell you all the CYA (Cover Your Ass) stuff you'll need to know. The authors share best practice tips, as well as the all important What Not To Do. The book features successful corporate blogs as examples you can learn from. Best of all, at my bookshop prices start from around $16 (exc shipping). With the Aussie dollar almost at parity with the US$, that's fantastic; even with shipping included it's cheaper than buying it in Australia. So go forth - buy! Part of a successful blog is the look and feel of the site it's on, and that's where I can help you (as well as with actual content if you need help writing). If your blog is a standalone site rather than part of your corporate site, I can match your corporate look and feel so you have consistent branding across your sites. Contact me about getting your blog up and running as part of your social media strategy.

I love books so much I’m selling them

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I've always been a reader. I learned to read when I was about two I think. Books have always been my best friend; I have one or more on the go at any one time and love re-reading old favourites. Like many voracious readers I've dreamed of running a bookshop over the years. However I think I'd gravitate between acting like Bernard Black of Black Books (that's him on the right) or simply dreaming the day away reading the stock! So I've found a compromise. I'm selling books over the net as an Amazon Affliliate. At the moment my bookshop concentrates on:
  • Business books - marketing, sales, motivational, computers, software and internet/web
  • Kindle e-books - the entire Amazon stock so there's something for everyone, fiction and non-fiction
  • Photography - a personal interest which many people I know share
  • Books on writing - for when we need inspiration and a nudge in the right (or write) direction
  • Murder mysteries - because I love them. Specifically I love British mysteries and if I have to narrow it down, I tend towards relishing some of the marvellous Golden Age writers like Josephine Tey. But here, at the House of Arion, you can buy any mystery by any author Amazon has in stock.
  • And lastly, software. Any and all. By all the suppliers.
As you can surmise I'm not doing this as a volunteer. I genuinely hope people will buy from me as I do get a minor cut of everything I sell. I'll be upfront about that. Look around you and you'll find a lot of people branching out and monetizing their website. I don't mean the shonks who ask you to spend thousands on, let's say, a diet plan that doesn't work, but genuine people expanding their avenues of income. It's a good thing. And like I said, I always wanted to own a bookshop.